MAUREEN SMITH, Intuitive Visionary Coach, Life & Business Coach, Q. Mediator, B. Ed, B. Music. A.R.C.T. Piano
Maureen Smith, B. Ed, B. Music. A.R.C.T. Piano, is a Certified Life & Business Coach, Intuitive Visionary Coach, Qualified Mediator, Land Developer, Teacher and the founder of Spirit Coaching and Global Mediation. What she loves to do most, is help others on their journeys by providing motivational coaching services in the areas of life, business and intuitive readings. Spirit Coaching believes very strongly that Spirit and Spirituality are the key principals to success in all areas of both life and business success. Maureen offers ongoing coaching sessions with the IN-Vizion Process to help you explore the deeper meaning in all situations in your life and business. The tools will help you make better decisions in business and create the life of your dreams. With the tools of the In-Vizion Process you will learn to master yourself through any difficult challenge your faced with along the way. You will learn to expand your consciousness and imagination to a much deeper awareness, gaining wisdom and making making magic as you learn to become a strong co-creator of your divine consciousness daily. If you are suffering through deep emotions, grief, anger or a troubled relationship, Maureen can help you with the IN-Vizion Process to heal yourself and come out strong and into the light where you can make better decisions for yourself and/or business.
Maureen Smith completed training in the Master Intuitive Coach Institute with Colette Baron-Reid, an international intuitive coach and #1 best selling author of “The Map”. Maureen additionally trained as an Executive Life / Business Coach with Canadian Certified Coaches Federation. As a Qualified Mediator, Maureen completed advance Alternative Resolution studies in Civil Mediation and Negotiations from the Faculty of Law, University of Windsor, and Family Mediation inToronto, Ontario. Additionally she is equally knowledgeable and avid believer in the work and principles of the authors Louise Hay, Doreen Virtue, Wayne Dyer, Greg Braden, Caroline Myss, Hal and Sidra Stone in the areas of Alternative Health and Healing and a Certified Angel Card Reader by Doreen Virtue.
She is additionally Ontario Ministry Certified in the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Ontario Building Code in Part 9 – The House – Building Envelope, Health and Safety, as well as Construction Management from the Construction Institute of Canada.
Maureen also holds Bachelor degrees in both Education, Music Education and a minor in Psychology and Sociology. Also an A.R.C.T. from the Royal Conservatory of Music, University of Toronto. Maureen additionally graduated from the Hoffman Quadrinity Process in Canada in 2000, a methodology of teaching focusing on human development addressing all dimensions of being: intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual.
As an entrepreneur, founder & CEO of , White Eagle Music Promotions, White Eagle Radio, Best Choice Entertainment and White Eagle Records Limited, she is also an international record promoter, producer, music industry management consultant, publisher, teacher, recording artist, pianist/vocalist, songwriter and recording engineer.
Maureen brings extensive Canadian and International business experience into her practice in the areas of land developing, general contracting, media, music & film industry, entertainment, recording industry, radio, retail, distribution, education, management consulting and writing. Additionally Maureen brings much life experience into her practice for mediation in the key areas of family and health. Maureen as a pianist of over 45 yrs, has several years experience in music performance as a professional pianist/vocalist and over 30 years of teaching experience both as a band conductor of music within the school system and private music educator.
Music, creativity and teaching are equally matched with her professional skills in business adventures which she offers in her coaching services for entrepreneurs and clientel.
She is the recording artist, pianist/vocalist, songwriter, music composer, producer and publisher of the healing / easy listening CD: Spirit, Songs of Inspiration, Maureen Smith.